wool 2yarn china is a Chinese language business to business trade directory/magazine with editorial articles covering issues from wool bale to woollen yarn production. It also features informative analysis and opinions on the wool and speciality fibre industry worldwide.

Published once each year in September.

Print circulation & readership

5,000 printed | 22,000 readers in china, hong kong & taiwan

wool2yarn china readership includes all major importers of wool and speciality fibre, primary processors,topmakers, spinners and weavers, manufacturers of yarn and knitwear, manufacturers of carpet, rugs and blankets, producers and importers of industrial textile, knitwear and fabrics, knitting yarns, bedding and household products, garment manufacturers, research institutions, testing houses, government agencies and ministries in China. wool2yarn china is also distributed to all delegates (600+) attending the annual international Nanjing Wool Market Conference - the major event in the China wool industry calendar. Kept by readers as a Buyer's Guide for the year ahead.

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Advertise in wool2yarn china

Reach a targeted decision maker base in all sectors of the textile industry in China - in their own language, breaking down the language barrier.
Open new business opportunities in China.
For established exporters to China - reinforce your position as preferred supplier to existing customers.

Full page

  • 5216mm x 281mm additional 6mm for bleed)
  • 5Full colour advertisement
  • 5Company profile article
  • 5Advertising design (if required)
  • 5Translation into Chinese

Half page

  • 5180mm x 117mm (vertical)
    87mm x 240mm (horizontal)
  • 5Full colour advertisement
  • 5Company profile article
  • 5Advertising design (if required)
  • 5Translation into Chinese

Quarter page

  • 5180mm x 56mm (vertical)
    88mm x 120mm (horizontal)
  • 5Full colour advertisement
  • 5Translation into Chinese

special positions from

  • 6Back cover
    $5050 (USD)
  • 6Inside front cover
    $4540 (USD)
  • 6Inside back cover
    $4540 (USD)
  • 6Double page spread
    $5920 (USD)

Magazine size: 275mm x 210mm. Advertising booking deadline: 30 June. Publishing Date: 1 September. Artwork supplied: InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop.

Enquire now